Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Surgery by NJ’s Top Surgeons

Learn more about arm lift surgery offered by the experienced surgeons with The Plastic Surgery Group.

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

An Arm Lift or Brachioplasty is performed to surgically eliminate loose, hanging skin from the upper arms. Aging, long term excessive sun exposure, and significant weight loss can all lead to a loss of skin elasticity. Our surgeons will evaluate your upper arms to assess the amount and location of the fatty tissue and the degree of skin laxity. In patients with relatively good skin tone, liposuction or non-invasive skin tightening may be all that is recommended for contour improvement. While liposuction can be performed to reduce the amount of fatty tissue in the upper arms, there will be little if any skin tightening effect. Excess fat is generally only removed by liposuction from the inner aspect of the arm through small incisions located along the inner elbow and the posterior aspect of the armpit. If the skin is loose and has poor tone, an arm lift is the only procedure that will lead to a significant contour improvement. Liposuction is commonly performed before Brachioplasty to maximize the aesthetic result.


Arm Lift Q & A


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