Cohesive Gel Breast Implants: Safe & Durable


Cohesive Gel (Gummy Bear) Breast Implants

If you are considering a breast augmentation procedure, you have several options for the type of implant material and filling depending on the look you would like to achieve. One of these implant types is called Cohesive Gel, better known as the gummy bear implant. Cohesive gel is thicker than most silicone gel implants, and is often considered to be safer than other implants because they may be less likely to leak or burst open. If breast augmentation is of interest to you, read on to learn more about why the gummy bear implant may be the right choice for you.

Most implants on the market are a more cohesive gel silicone material than what was on the market 15-20+ years ago. Cohesive gel simply means the gel is less likely to leak than previous silicone gel forms. The only actual “gummy bear” implants on the market are created by the manufacturers listed below.


Cohesive Gel Q & A


Make An Appointment

To schedule a personal consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons and learn more about cohesive gel surgery, please fill out this form.


Before & After

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Before After
Before After

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