Our Vectra 3D Imaging Tool Allows You to Preview Your New Body!

Do you dream of having larger breasts?

If so, you are not alone. For years, breast augmentation was the number one cosmetic surgery procedure performed in the US and it is still quite popular with almost 200,000 of these surgeries done each year.

Why do people choose to enlarge their breasts?

Whether you are looking to enlarge naturally small breasts, or you want to regain fullness lost to pregnancy or breastfeeding, breast augmentation or enlargement is a great solution.

Not sure what size?

You may have tried padded bras or inserts to get an idea of how larger breasts would change your look with clothing but did you know that we have a tool, in our office, that allows you to see what YOUR breasts would look like?

Our state-of-the-art Vectra 3D imaging tool allows us to show you images of your own breasts with different-size implants, to help you choose the size and shape that are right for you and to accurately envision your final results.

Our Vectra 3D Imaging Tool

How does this work?

First, you stand in front of the imaging tool and it takes a series of photos, from multiple directions, of your upper body, including your breasts. This is done in the privacy of our office, without a blouse or bra, to get an accurate rendition of your existing breasts, spacing, and structure.

Next, using our simulation software, we produce a 3D image that shows you, on our computer screen, how YOUR breasts will look with various-sized implants.

Too big, too small, just right!

Sometimes, women come in thinking that they need to gain 2 cup sizes to get the look they want. This tool allows us to simulate the outcome and lets them really see what that would look like on THEIR body, with THEIR breasts.

Maybe a single cup size, given their small frame, might give them a more appropriately proportioned look. Or they come in looking for a small enhancement and the simulation lets them see that, given their body size, a greater enlargement might give them a better, more balanced result.

Naturally beautiful

We have all seen people and celebrities who look ‘done’, or worse yet, OVER done! At the Plastic Surgery Group, we pride ourselves on producing beautiful, natural-looking results. Our goal is to help you achieve your desired look while still looking naturally beautiful.

Experience + proven results

Between Dr. Rosen and Dr. Ablaza, our practice has over 50 years of experience with breast augmentation and enlargement procedures and a solid record of amazing results and happy patients.

Click here to see our Breast Procedure Gallery including dozens of Breast Augmentation before and after images.

Then call us at 973.233.1933 to set up a consultation to see what your new, larger breasts will look like.

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