Eyelid Surgery vs Forehead Lift: Which is Right for Me?

If you’re considering plastic surgery to restore beauty and youth to your eyes and face, you may be wondering which procedure is right for you. Eyelid surgery and forehead lift are two facial rejuvenation procedures often sought out by people who want to get rid of wrinkles, sagging eyebrows or the dreaded dark circles underneath the eyes. Before choosing to undergo one or both procedures, it’s important to understand the differences between the two.

What is Eyelid Surgery?

Puffy upper eyelids can not only make someone look tired, but also interfere with their eyesight. In some cases, skin from the upper eyelids can hang so low that it can block peripheral vision or make it hard for someone to open their eyes completely. Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, can address these issues and improve the appearance of the upper or lower eyelids or both. Removing excess skin or lifting drooping skin can allow someone to open their eyes with ease and make the eyes look bigger and brighter.

Other patients seek eyelid surgery to treat dark circles, or “bags” underneath the eyes that make them appear older or unrested. Lower eyelid surgery removes excess skin and fat to achieve a rejuvenated look throughout the eye area.

What is Forehead Lift?

Have you ever been told you look upset because of your “furrowed” brow? Wrinkles and deep creases across the forehead can make someone look unapproachable and/or add to an older, tired facial appearance. A forehead lift, also known as a brow lift, raises and reshapes “falling,” sagging skin around the eyebrows that often causes the eyelids to appear hooded.

The procedure softens the deep creases and wrinkles around the forehead for a more youthful and beautiful facial appearance.

At The Plastic Surgery Group, we offer New Jersey and New York City patients several different techniques to the forehead lift depending on each patient’s individual goals and needs. Many of our patients like to combine forehead lift with facelift or eyelid surgery for a smoother, brighter-looking face.

Choosing a Procedure: What You Need to Consider

Before pursuing one of these procedures, ask yourself the following:

  • Are your eyebrows in a good position but your upper eyelids droop due to excess skin? If so, you may need upper eyelid surgery.
  • Does the skin on your forehead hang but there is no extra skin on the upper eyelids? If the answer is yes, forehead lift may be a better option.
  • Do you have excess skin in the upper eyelids and sagging eyebrows? If so, your plastic surgeon may recommend both eyelid surgery and forehead lift.

The best way to find out which procedure is right for you is to meet with an experienced plastic surgeon. The Plastic Surgery Group has helped thousands of New Jersey and New York City patients achieve a youthful facial appearance. One of our trusted plastic surgeons can help you decide whether eyelid surgery or forehead lift can best address your personal needs and goals. Schedule a one-on-one consultation today by calling (973) 233-1933.

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